Thursday, June 19, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

I've been Tagged!

I have been tagged by the lovely Kristen Cook . Thanks Kristen

So, here’s how it goes:
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
Share 5 things other people may not know about you.
Tag 5 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So… here are my five things.

1 I can NEVER finish a plate of food or a drink. I have to leave a tiny morsel of something.. It is now a habit, but even when i try really hard.. i just can't do it!!! Drives my husband batty!!

2 Growing up i lived on Bogan Ave. Yep- sadly true. The first 19 years of my life. Oh dear.

3 I am a pillow flipper. Throughout the night i have to flip my pillow over to the cold side. I always thought i was the only person to do this, until i disovered there is a whole facebook group dedicated to us strange soles!

4 I hate the cold weather. It makes my skin crawl. In winter, the kids and i crank the ducted heating, Open all the windows and dress like its a hot summers day. We are extremely looking forward to our move up North in November!

5 I never cook dinner. Well... rarely. My husband loves cooking and hates mess.. where as i create LOTS of mess whilst cooking, and don't really enjoy it. It works out well for the time being. Lets hope he doesn't have a deployment in the horizon!! eeeeeeek!

There's my not-so-interesting 5 things. Now i'm going to tag Jodi Bingley, Kris Leigh , Narrelle , Sam Pearce and Kylie P .

Friday, June 13, 2008

Newborn offer.

I am looking to build up my newborn portfolio before my move to Townsville in December. I am currently offering free newborn sessions, and as a thank-you- you will receive a full set of 6x4" prints from you session (between 30-40 photos). If you wish to order any other products or enlargments from your session, you will get 25% off my pricelists.

This offer applies to newborns under two weeks old. If you are pregnant, and are interested in taking up this offer, please contact me asap so i can pencil into my diary your due date. For more information on newborn sessions, please refer to my website.

Look forward to meeting you and your precious bundle soon!