Thursday, June 19, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

I've been Tagged!

I have been tagged by the lovely Kristen Cook . Thanks Kristen

So, here’s how it goes:
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
Share 5 things other people may not know about you.
Tag 5 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So… here are my five things.

1 I can NEVER finish a plate of food or a drink. I have to leave a tiny morsel of something.. It is now a habit, but even when i try really hard.. i just can't do it!!! Drives my husband batty!!

2 Growing up i lived on Bogan Ave. Yep- sadly true. The first 19 years of my life. Oh dear.

3 I am a pillow flipper. Throughout the night i have to flip my pillow over to the cold side. I always thought i was the only person to do this, until i disovered there is a whole facebook group dedicated to us strange soles!

4 I hate the cold weather. It makes my skin crawl. In winter, the kids and i crank the ducted heating, Open all the windows and dress like its a hot summers day. We are extremely looking forward to our move up North in November!

5 I never cook dinner. Well... rarely. My husband loves cooking and hates mess.. where as i create LOTS of mess whilst cooking, and don't really enjoy it. It works out well for the time being. Lets hope he doesn't have a deployment in the horizon!! eeeeeeek!

There's my not-so-interesting 5 things. Now i'm going to tag Jodi Bingley, Kris Leigh , Narrelle , Sam Pearce and Kylie P .

Friday, June 13, 2008

Newborn offer.

I am looking to build up my newborn portfolio before my move to Townsville in December. I am currently offering free newborn sessions, and as a thank-you- you will receive a full set of 6x4" prints from you session (between 30-40 photos). If you wish to order any other products or enlargments from your session, you will get 25% off my pricelists.

This offer applies to newborns under two weeks old. If you are pregnant, and are interested in taking up this offer, please contact me asap so i can pencil into my diary your due date. For more information on newborn sessions, please refer to my website.

Look forward to meeting you and your precious bundle soon!


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Autumn Colours.

I did a session on Sunday for close friends our ours- Anita and Grant. They were fabulous models, and i really enjoyed our session

Saturday, May 24, 2008

What is custom photography?

I often have trouble trying to explain what sets custom photographers apart from the larger Pixie type photo studios. I came across a really interesting blog tonight that really helps to explain the ins and outs of custom portraiture.
Consumers guide to custom photography

Thursday, May 22, 2008


This is my second newborn Riley for the month! I just adore newborn babies. They are by far my favourite age group to photograph, and this little guy was the most placid baby to date!! He was three days old, so he let me curl him in any position i wished. A photographers DREAM!

Sibling LOVE.

Arn't they such sweet little cherubs?

Well... this is more in tune with the reality of our days...
Ahhh... they make me laugh. I love my babies so much!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Website news

In the last month i have been giving my website a little overhaul. I have changed my logo and colours. I have also been given the rights to use the most beautiful song as my theme. It is called "Hush" by Brianna Carpenter. The song was written for the Butterfly Appeal, raising money for the Hear and Say Centre, which helps for raise money and awarness children suffering hearing loss. I think it suits perfectly.

"Hush" - Brianna Carpenter

Sunday, May 18, 2008


My dream came true today. I had the oppertunity to photograph twins!! They are 12 weeks old, and usually this age is quite hard. They were P-E-R-F-E-C-T!! We had the session wrapped up in just over one hour. A & M are completely gorgeous!
Just a few photos from the session.. although it is hard to narrow it down!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

More Miss Mac!!

Isn't she just delicious. I looked after her for a few hours on Tuesday. We had some fun while my angel was napping. Then Madison arose and was so excited to see her little friend was there to play with her!! I love this age!